Major transitions in any field or domain require more than just a good start and effective group dynamics. They often involve complex challenges and systems that need to be deeply explored and then re-integrated.
This exploration and integration process can be challenging, and it often necessitates a multidisciplinary and holistic approach. However, everything is interconnected and constantly changing, resulting in challenges being neglected and stakeholders unable or unwilling to make important decisions.
Moreover, politicians, citizens, government officials, business professionals NGOs, designers and researchers affected by these challenges are not solely responsible. Major transitions demand new thinking, new doing, new feeling and new systems. This includes breaking up existing structures, promoting self-reliance, and fostering long-term transition dynamics.
These changes can have socio-economic implications and require adjustments to existing systems. Collaborating for societal impact in the context of major transitions is a complex undertaking.
- Tip 1:Integrate the Human Factor
Emphasizing the importance of the human factor in major transitions is crucial. People's
values, motivations, and behaviors play a significant role in the success of any societal
transition. Recognizing this and integrating this approach into the co-design process is
- Tip 2: Make Design a Daily Routine
Design, which involves a user-centric, creative, iterative and idea direction finding approach,
can be a valuable tool in addressing complex societal challenges. However, to make design a
daily routine, there needs to be a cultural shift and a commitment to design thinking, doing
and feeling at all levels of society. Foster a spirit of experimentation and continuous
improvement. This approach can lead to more effective and adaptable solutions to complex
societal challenges.
- Tip 3: Navigate the Political Process with Care
Major transitions often require a far-reaching political process. The transitions challenge
existing paradigms and often involve changes in policies, regulations, and institutional
structures. Political will and effective leadership are essential for navigating these changes.
Engage with policymakers, government officials, and other relevant stakeholders. Moreover,
build coalitions and alliances to create new idea directions.