Donald Roos is a creative entrepreneur based in Amsterdam (the Netherlands). Trained as a (typo)graphic designer, he sets up and runs projects with other professionals from different fields. Like many creatives, he has too much to do and too many ideas, so he came up with the ToDontList-method.
Together with co-writer Anne de Bruijn, he previously published Don’t Read This Book and Don’t Buy This Book. Their latest book is If You Don’t — Economics for Creative People / Saving the World by Doing Nothing. They also developed the thought experiment game called Don’t/Do This.
The interactive workshop called Work Don’t Shop uses the game and the ideas from the books to challenge and stimulate the participants’ creativity. What happens if you think inside the box instead of outside? What if you give yourself clear limitations instead of infinite possibilities? If you don’t do something instead of doing it? In the workshop, you will learn how to change or improve something — a product, project or process.
Sometimes the best action is inaction, whether it concerns your own time management or saving the world. Limitations stimulate creativity!
For Bookings & Workshops: [email protected]